"Don’t be afraid, for I am with you. Don’t be discouraged, for I am your God. I will strengthen you and help you. I will hold you up with my victorious right hand." - Isaiah 41:10
I need this verse this morning as I turned on the TV and the weather was report at 100% humidity and I knew I had a pretty tough workout this morning doing intervals. God definitely strengthened and encouraged me so I could come out vicotirous by His hand. The goal was to run 4 x 1.5 mile intervals @ a 6:40ish pace with a 1/4 mile recovery. I surpased my goal for each of the intervals.
Distance: 9.65
Time: 1:11:28
Avg Pace: 7:24
Avg HR: 162
Max HR: 186
Avg Cadence: 92.1
Interval 1: Avg Pace: 6:39, Avg HR: 167
Interval 2: Avg Pace: 6:37, Avg HR: 171
Interval 3: Avg Pace: 6:34, Avg HR: 177
Interval 4: Avg Pace: 6:29, Avg HR: 180
Temperature Min./Max.: 62.1 °F/62.6 °F;
Humidity: 99.1%;
Dew point: 62.3 °F;
Wind Speed: 1.2 mph
God is good! I had a great run.
Wednesday, February 29, 2012
Tuesday, February 28, 2012
3 Mile Trail Run
"Finally, be strengthened by the Lord and by His vast strength." - Ephesians 6:10
Tonight I was suppose to go for an easy run, but as I was heading out for the 2 mile run when I seen a trail and I wanted to know where it went. I planned on turning around at 2 miles or whenever the trail ended. Fortunately for me it ended before I hit 2 miles. I tried to keep it as easy as I could be I definitely broke my HR goal.
The Details:
Distance: 3.33 miles
Avg Pace: 9:48
Avg HR: 130
Max HR: 153
Total Climb: 345
Weather: Temp Min/Max: 68.8/69.5; Humidity: 70%, Dew Point: 59.0; Wind Speed: 1.4 mph
Shoes: Brooks Geen Silence
Happy Training Everyone
Tonight I was suppose to go for an easy run, but as I was heading out for the 2 mile run when I seen a trail and I wanted to know where it went. I planned on turning around at 2 miles or whenever the trail ended. Fortunately for me it ended before I hit 2 miles. I tried to keep it as easy as I could be I definitely broke my HR goal.
The Details:
Distance: 3.33 miles
Avg Pace: 9:48
Avg HR: 130
Max HR: 153
Total Climb: 345
Weather: Temp Min/Max: 68.8/69.5; Humidity: 70%, Dew Point: 59.0; Wind Speed: 1.4 mph
Shoes: Brooks Geen Silence
Happy Training Everyone
Spinervals - Aero Base Builder 1
"I pursue as my goal the prize promised by God’s heavenly call in Christ Jesus." - Philippians 3:14
Happy Training Everyone!
Less than 12 hours after my time trial I did the Spinervals Aero Base Builder 1. I had a great workout keeping my HR a good 10 - 15 beats below my lactate threshold. I was definitely feeling the time trial from last night though.
The Details:
Distance: 25 miles
Time: 1:22:24
Avg Speed: 18.2
Avg HR: 136
Max HR: 158
Avg Cadence: 94
Monday, February 27, 2012
Spinervals #27 - Threshold Test and Suffer Fest
"Haven't I commanded you to: Be strong and courageous? Do not be afraid or discouraged, for the LORD you God is with you wherever you go." - Joshua 1:9
It has been a while since I have blogged. I have been working out, just didn't have time to blog. Tonight after class I put the bike on the trainer and did the Spinervals, Threshold Test and Suffer Fest and then followed that up with a short easy 2 mile run.
During the Time Trial I was feeling every bit of it and had to shift a few times, but I would always take it back down. I was pushing pretty hard, but I am still not able to push what I want. I promise I will be there by the end of the summer before Ironman Augusta 70.3. I did improve over my last TT and my goal for today was 21 mph, which I did achieve. Average speed was up and average HR was down. See below.
Time - Miles - avg speed - avg HR - Max HR - avg RPM
20:00 - 6.68 - 20.0 - 176 (82%) - 187 (88%) - 92.4
20:00 - 7.10 - 21.3 - 167 (76%) - 178 (83%) - 89.2
Distance: 18.00
Time: 0:57:22
Avg Speed: 18.8
Avg HR: 140
Max HR: 178
Avg Cadence: 88.9
Max Cadence: 104.5
It has been a while since I have blogged. I have been working out, just didn't have time to blog. Tonight after class I put the bike on the trainer and did the Spinervals, Threshold Test and Suffer Fest and then followed that up with a short easy 2 mile run.
During the Time Trial I was feeling every bit of it and had to shift a few times, but I would always take it back down. I was pushing pretty hard, but I am still not able to push what I want. I promise I will be there by the end of the summer before Ironman Augusta 70.3. I did improve over my last TT and my goal for today was 21 mph, which I did achieve. Average speed was up and average HR was down. See below.
Time - Miles - avg speed - avg HR - Max HR - avg RPM
20:00 - 6.68 - 20.0 - 176 (82%) - 187 (88%) - 92.4
20:00 - 7.10 - 21.3 - 167 (76%) - 178 (83%) - 89.2
Distance: 18.00
Time: 0:57:22
Avg Speed: 18.8
Avg HR: 140
Max HR: 178
Avg Cadence: 88.9
Max Cadence: 104.5
Monday, February 20, 2012
Bike/Run Brick
“No discipline seems pleasant at the time, but painful. Later on, however, it produces a harvest of righteousness and peace for those who have been trained by it. Therefore, strengthen your feeble arms and weak knees.” - Hebrews 12:11-12
I headed out a lunch for a bike / run brick workout. I would be the first this year where I would do both outside. I wanted to slow the bike down and ride around 18mph, or at least as close as I could to it. I rode the same route as I did yesterday where I averaged 18.5, but I wasn't sure how much fatigue I would have in the legs from yesterdays workouts. I did fairly well keeping my speed where I wanted it. I felt as though I had head wind the entire ride. The wind were almost as strong as they were yesterday, however the wind gusts were not as bad. I had a great ride averaging just shy of my goal.
Bike Details:
Distance: 26.16
Time: 1:27:50
Avg Speed: 17.9
Avg HR: 143 (61%)
Max HR: 170 (78%)
Avg Cadence: 79.9
Max Cadence: 129.8
Weather: Min./Max.: 53.7 °F/57.0 °F; Humidity: 54.3%; Dew point: 39.6 °F; Wind Speed: 8.6 mph
Once I finished the bike portion I put the bike in the truck took off my jacket and headed off for the run. The plan was to run a portion of what I rode, but since I didn't know where the road was the cut across, I had to change the plans once I started running. The focus for todays workout was on the run, so I wanted to run strong, not all out, but strong. I felt great from start to finish gradually picking up my pace throughout the run. I would love to run this pace or faster for my Half-Iron Distance races this year. Both times I did this distance my pace was just over an 8 minute mile. I know I can run faster it is just a matter of figureing out the speed on the bike and the run to findout what is faster overall. I think a 7:30 pace is about right but i can't go too hard on the bike.
Run Details:
Distance: 6.53
Time: 48:34
Pace: 7:26
Avg HR: 155 (69%)
Max HR: 172 (79%)
Weather: Min./Max.: 57.1 °F/58.3 °F; Humidity: 50.6%; Dew point: 39.7 °F; Wind Speed: 4.0 mph
Shoes: Brooks Ghosts
Overall a great workout. I had so much fun out there today. I am ready to get outside and ride some more. But for the remainder of the week it will be indoors spinning to nowhere.
Happy Training Everyone!
I headed out a lunch for a bike / run brick workout. I would be the first this year where I would do both outside. I wanted to slow the bike down and ride around 18mph, or at least as close as I could to it. I rode the same route as I did yesterday where I averaged 18.5, but I wasn't sure how much fatigue I would have in the legs from yesterdays workouts. I did fairly well keeping my speed where I wanted it. I felt as though I had head wind the entire ride. The wind were almost as strong as they were yesterday, however the wind gusts were not as bad. I had a great ride averaging just shy of my goal.
Bike Details:
Distance: 26.16
Time: 1:27:50
Avg Speed: 17.9
Avg HR: 143 (61%)
Max HR: 170 (78%)
Avg Cadence: 79.9
Max Cadence: 129.8
Weather: Min./Max.: 53.7 °F/57.0 °F; Humidity: 54.3%; Dew point: 39.6 °F; Wind Speed: 8.6 mph
Once I finished the bike portion I put the bike in the truck took off my jacket and headed off for the run. The plan was to run a portion of what I rode, but since I didn't know where the road was the cut across, I had to change the plans once I started running. The focus for todays workout was on the run, so I wanted to run strong, not all out, but strong. I felt great from start to finish gradually picking up my pace throughout the run. I would love to run this pace or faster for my Half-Iron Distance races this year. Both times I did this distance my pace was just over an 8 minute mile. I know I can run faster it is just a matter of figureing out the speed on the bike and the run to findout what is faster overall. I think a 7:30 pace is about right but i can't go too hard on the bike.
Run Details:
Distance: 6.53
Time: 48:34
Pace: 7:26
Avg HR: 155 (69%)
Max HR: 172 (79%)
Weather: Min./Max.: 57.1 °F/58.3 °F; Humidity: 50.6%; Dew point: 39.7 °F; Wind Speed: 4.0 mph
Shoes: Brooks Ghosts
Overall a great workout. I had so much fun out there today. I am ready to get outside and ride some more. But for the remainder of the week it will be indoors spinning to nowhere.
Happy Training Everyone!
Sunday, February 19, 2012
Mid-day run and Afternoon bike - Beware of the Rattlesnakes
"Whatever you do, do it enthusiastically, as something done for the Lord and not for men." - Colossians 3:23. This is another one of my favorite versus. Everything we do should be done for the Lord and not self.
I started the day off checking my resting heart rate. Training must be working its magic. My resting heart rate is down from two weeks ago by 8 points. In fact, it is the lowest I have ever recorded. My resting heart rate this morning was 44.
I had a great day of workouts despite the high winds. When I finally decided to go out the winds were not as bad as I had anticipated. Just before lunch I headed out for a nice and easy run. The plan was to run easy at a pace 2 minutes slower than my goal half-marathon pace. I should have been running between an 8:50 - 9:00 pace. I stayed pretty close.
Run Details:
Distance: 5.11
Time: 45:32
Avg Pace: 8:55
Avg HR: 133 (55%)
Max HR: 151 (66%)
Shoes: Brooks Ghosts
Weather: Min./Max.: 60.8 °F/61.5 °F; Humidity: 86.8%; Dew point: 57.6 °F; Wind Speed: 8.3 mph
At 2 pm I decided I had waited long enough for the winds and the sun to come out. The winds never died down and the sun hadn't come out yet. To my surprise the winds were not as strong as I had anticipate, although when the gusts hit it was hard to keep the bike on the road. When ever I was near traffic I didn't feel safe to ride aero as the gust would push me a foot or more one way or the other. The sustained winds were just under 10 mph. I had to stop and take a few pictures.
I wanted to jump in the water and swim across the lake.
Now this sign threw my for a loop. I caught a glimpse of this as I was heading down this hill at 35-40 mph. Once I hit the bottom of the hill and turned around to come back up the hill I had to stop and take a picture of it. SLOW RATTLESNAKE CROSSING. REALLY!!! Are they trying to protect the rattlesnakes or did they wanted you to know to keep you from swerving when you see them? Interesting.
Bike Details:
Distance: 26.08
Time: 1:24:33
Avg Speed: 18.5
Max Speed: 33.0
Avg Cadence: Ooops No reading, gotta replace the battery.
Avg HR: 149 (65%)
Max HR: 172 (79%)
Elevation Gain: 898 feet
Weather: Min./Max.: 57.4 °F/58.9 °F; Humidity: 82.6%; Dew point: 53.0 °F; Wind Speed: 9.8 mph
It was my first ride outside in I don't know how long. Normally I am on the trainer and finished riding before day light. Once I get done with this school I will be hitting the roads a whole lot more. I do enjoy the trainer though, but nowhere as nice as actually being outside.
I started the day off checking my resting heart rate. Training must be working its magic. My resting heart rate is down from two weeks ago by 8 points. In fact, it is the lowest I have ever recorded. My resting heart rate this morning was 44.
I had a great day of workouts despite the high winds. When I finally decided to go out the winds were not as bad as I had anticipated. Just before lunch I headed out for a nice and easy run. The plan was to run easy at a pace 2 minutes slower than my goal half-marathon pace. I should have been running between an 8:50 - 9:00 pace. I stayed pretty close.
Run Details:
Distance: 5.11
Time: 45:32
Avg Pace: 8:55
Avg HR: 133 (55%)
Max HR: 151 (66%)
Shoes: Brooks Ghosts
Weather: Min./Max.: 60.8 °F/61.5 °F; Humidity: 86.8%; Dew point: 57.6 °F; Wind Speed: 8.3 mph
At 2 pm I decided I had waited long enough for the winds and the sun to come out. The winds never died down and the sun hadn't come out yet. To my surprise the winds were not as strong as I had anticipate, although when the gusts hit it was hard to keep the bike on the road. When ever I was near traffic I didn't feel safe to ride aero as the gust would push me a foot or more one way or the other. The sustained winds were just under 10 mph. I had to stop and take a few pictures.
I wanted to jump in the water and swim across the lake.
Now this sign threw my for a loop. I caught a glimpse of this as I was heading down this hill at 35-40 mph. Once I hit the bottom of the hill and turned around to come back up the hill I had to stop and take a picture of it. SLOW RATTLESNAKE CROSSING. REALLY!!! Are they trying to protect the rattlesnakes or did they wanted you to know to keep you from swerving when you see them? Interesting.
Bike Details:
Distance: 26.08
Time: 1:24:33
Avg Speed: 18.5
Max Speed: 33.0
Avg Cadence: Ooops No reading, gotta replace the battery.
Avg HR: 149 (65%)
Max HR: 172 (79%)
Elevation Gain: 898 feet
Weather: Min./Max.: 57.4 °F/58.9 °F; Humidity: 82.6%; Dew point: 53.0 °F; Wind Speed: 9.8 mph
It was my first ride outside in I don't know how long. Normally I am on the trainer and finished riding before day light. Once I get done with this school I will be hitting the roads a whole lot more. I do enjoy the trainer though, but nowhere as nice as actually being outside.
Friday, February 17, 2012
5 x 6 minute HIM speed with 2 mile run
This morning I worked on my LT on the trainer. I did 5 x 6 minute intervals at HIM speeds with a 2 minute easy recovery. I ended up riding slightly slower than I wanted for the first 4 intervals while I was studying for my test today but I pushed pretty good on the last set. I just wasn't focused for the first 4 intervals to keep the speed up. After I finished on the trainer I headed out for a 2 mile run.
Thursday, February 16, 2012
Bike Trainer / Run Brick
“With God’s help we will do mighty things.” - Psalm 60:12.
I went for a 30 minute spin on the trainer this morning while studying for my exam tomorrow. Most of it was at an easy spin with a few hill climbs at 60 rpms. After I completed the ride, I went for a 5 mile run. At 5:30 am running in the dark with a light rain throughout was just a blast. Slopping through the puddles and just enjoying life. I felt like a kid again. God is so awesome.
Bike Details:
Distance: 8.68 miles
Time: 30 minutes
Avg Speed: 17.4
Avg HR: 118
Avg Cadence: 77.4
Run Details:
Distance: 5.25
Time: 41:54
Avg Pace: 7:59
Avg HR: 147
Weather: Min./Max.: 57.3 °F/58.5 °F; Humidity: 95.7%; Dew point: 57.0 °F; Wind Speed: 3.4 mph; Precipitation: 1.3mm
Shoes: Brooks Pure Cadence
I went for a 30 minute spin on the trainer this morning while studying for my exam tomorrow. Most of it was at an easy spin with a few hill climbs at 60 rpms. After I completed the ride, I went for a 5 mile run. At 5:30 am running in the dark with a light rain throughout was just a blast. Slopping through the puddles and just enjoying life. I felt like a kid again. God is so awesome.
Bike Details:
Distance: 8.68 miles
Time: 30 minutes
Avg Speed: 17.4
Avg HR: 118
Avg Cadence: 77.4
Run Details:
Distance: 5.25
Time: 41:54
Avg Pace: 7:59
Avg HR: 147
Weather: Min./Max.: 57.3 °F/58.5 °F; Humidity: 95.7%; Dew point: 57.0 °F; Wind Speed: 3.4 mph; Precipitation: 1.3mm
Shoes: Brooks Pure Cadence
Wednesday, February 15, 2012
Trainer Workout: 12/3s x 4 with 2.5 mile run
"Be doers of the word and not hearers only, deceiving yourselves." - James 1:22. One of my favorite bible verses. I love it! Just don't sit and listen to Gods word, you have act upon it.
After last nights 1/2 mile repeats it probably wasn't the best workout. In fact I called it about 15 minutes early or one repeats. I was suppose to do 5 of them. I pulled this workout from the Triathlete magazine this month. The main set was suppose to be 12 minutes at race speed and 3 minutes one step faster. So I chose to ride at slightly slower than my HIM speed (19 mph) and then do the 3 minutes at my olympic distance pace (21-22 mph) and then repeat. If I would have done all 5 repeats I would have spent 1:15 at HIM speed or faster. My legs just were not having it at less than 10 hours after doing my speed work on the track. I then went for an easy 2.5 mile run.
Bike Details:
Distance: 24.33
Time: 1:17:01
Avg Speed: 19.0
Avg Speed for 12 min int: 18.5
Avg Speed for 3 min int: 21.5
Avg HR: 149
Max HR: 177
Avg Cadence: 83.8 (I broke the 12 minutes up with some time at 60 rpms)
Max Cadence: 103.4
Happy Training Everyone.
After last nights 1/2 mile repeats it probably wasn't the best workout. In fact I called it about 15 minutes early or one repeats. I was suppose to do 5 of them. I pulled this workout from the Triathlete magazine this month. The main set was suppose to be 12 minutes at race speed and 3 minutes one step faster. So I chose to ride at slightly slower than my HIM speed (19 mph) and then do the 3 minutes at my olympic distance pace (21-22 mph) and then repeat. If I would have done all 5 repeats I would have spent 1:15 at HIM speed or faster. My legs just were not having it at less than 10 hours after doing my speed work on the track. I then went for an easy 2.5 mile run.
Bike Details:
Distance: 24.33
Time: 1:17:01
Avg Speed: 19.0
Avg Speed for 12 min int: 18.5
Avg Speed for 3 min int: 21.5
Avg HR: 149
Max HR: 177
Avg Cadence: 83.8 (I broke the 12 minutes up with some time at 60 rpms)
Max Cadence: 103.4
Happy Training Everyone.
Tuesday, February 14, 2012
1/2 Mile Intervals
"But endurance must do its complete work, so that you bay be mature and complete, lacking nothing." - James 1:4
What a great bible verse for today! After class today I headed out for a little bit of speed work. The plan was to complete 8 x 1/2 mile intervals with a 1/4 mile recovery jog. I set the watch to keep me on pace between a 6:10 and 7:00 minute mile or 3:05 - 3:30 1/2 mile. I ran to a 2 mile track, that isn't exactly flat to conduct the interval.
The Details:
Distance: 8.5 miles
Time: 1:02:33
Avg Pace: 7:22
Splits: 3:17, 3:11, 3:08, 3:06, 3:05, 3:09, 3:10, 3:09 (Oops a little fast on some)
Avg HR: 161
Max HR: 188
Avg Cadence: 91.7
Max Cadence: 100.5
Weather: Min./Max. Temp: 49.8 °F/49.9 °F; Humidity: 91.9%; Dew point: 48.0 °F; Wind Speed: 0.5 mph
All in all a great workout to finish the day off. Now I need to study.
God Bless!
What a great bible verse for today! After class today I headed out for a little bit of speed work. The plan was to complete 8 x 1/2 mile intervals with a 1/4 mile recovery jog. I set the watch to keep me on pace between a 6:10 and 7:00 minute mile or 3:05 - 3:30 1/2 mile. I ran to a 2 mile track, that isn't exactly flat to conduct the interval.
The Details:
Distance: 8.5 miles
Time: 1:02:33
Avg Pace: 7:22
Splits: 3:17, 3:11, 3:08, 3:06, 3:05, 3:09, 3:10, 3:09 (Oops a little fast on some)
Avg HR: 161
Max HR: 188
Avg Cadence: 91.7
Max Cadence: 100.5
Weather: Min./Max. Temp: 49.8 °F/49.9 °F; Humidity: 91.9%; Dew point: 48.0 °F; Wind Speed: 0.5 mph
All in all a great workout to finish the day off. Now I need to study.
God Bless!
Monday, February 13, 2012
Hill Workout on Trainer
“For it is God who is working in you, enabling you both to will and to act for His good purpose.” - Philippians 2:13. God keep me in your will and performing for you and not self.
A little over an hour this morning on the trainer riding rolling hills. The main set consisted of 6 x 2 minutes riding at 65-75 rpms with 1 minute recovery at 100-110 rpms and then straight in to 6 x 3 minutes at 65-75 rpms with 1 minute recovery at 100-110 rpms. I had a good ride listening to some good old rock and roll music while studying for my exam today. Multi-tasking at its best! My battery is dying on my cadence device. My cadence is sporadic so the reading may not be 100% accurate.
The details:
Avg Speed: 18.5
Avg HR: 142
Max HR: 173
Avg Cadence: 80
Max Cadence: 105.1
Happy Training Everyone!
A little over an hour this morning on the trainer riding rolling hills. The main set consisted of 6 x 2 minutes riding at 65-75 rpms with 1 minute recovery at 100-110 rpms and then straight in to 6 x 3 minutes at 65-75 rpms with 1 minute recovery at 100-110 rpms. I had a good ride listening to some good old rock and roll music while studying for my exam today. Multi-tasking at its best! My battery is dying on my cadence device. My cadence is sporadic so the reading may not be 100% accurate.
The details:
Distance: 20.31
Time: 1:06:00Avg Speed: 18.5
Avg HR: 142
Max HR: 173
Avg Cadence: 80
Max Cadence: 105.1
Happy Training Everyone!
Sunday, February 12, 2012
2.3 mile tempo run around Beaver Lake
"Make your own attitude that of Christ Jesus." - Philippians 2:5
I drove back to Fort Rucker after church this afternoon. I after I got back to the hotel I unloaded my stuff, changed and headed out for a short run which turned out to be a little longer than I was planning. I decided once I started running I was going to run around beaver lake which is about a 2.3 mile loop. I ran from the hotel to Beaver lake, 1.6 miles and then the plan was to run sub-7s around the lake and then back to the hotel.
I had a great run despite running in mid-afternoon. The 2.3 mile loop is not flat by no means, with a few short steep climbs and some gradual climbs. I ended up averaging a 6:55 pace around the lake. Goal was obtained.
The details:
Distance: 5.5 miles
Time: 42:25
Avg Pace: 7:43
Avg HR: 155
Max HR: 185
Total Climb: 372 ft
Happy Training Everyone!
Now it is time to study for my exam in the morning.
I drove back to Fort Rucker after church this afternoon. I after I got back to the hotel I unloaded my stuff, changed and headed out for a short run which turned out to be a little longer than I was planning. I decided once I started running I was going to run around beaver lake which is about a 2.3 mile loop. I ran from the hotel to Beaver lake, 1.6 miles and then the plan was to run sub-7s around the lake and then back to the hotel.
I had a great run despite running in mid-afternoon. The 2.3 mile loop is not flat by no means, with a few short steep climbs and some gradual climbs. I ended up averaging a 6:55 pace around the lake. Goal was obtained.
The details:
Distance: 5.5 miles
Time: 42:25
Avg Pace: 7:43
Avg HR: 155
Max HR: 185
Total Climb: 372 ft
Happy Training Everyone!
Now it is time to study for my exam in the morning.
Wednesday, February 8, 2012
Bike Trainer: 15 x 30 second intervals
"I am sure of this, that He who started a good work in you will carry it on to completion until the day of Christ" - Philippians 1:6
Not much sleep last night for some reason. I was up almost every hour on the hour until about 2 a.m., alarm at 4:30 a.m.. I drug myself out of bed and had a quick breakfast and hydrated. About 45 minutes later I was setting up the computer to the TV, picked out a movie (Behind Enemy Lines, Columbia), and then picked out a short workout of 36 minutes with the main set being 15 x 30 seconds at about 80-90% effort. During the Warm-up I studied my notes from yesterday's classes. As much as I sweat I had to put them in document protectors to keep from destroying them.
Distance: 10.86
Time: 36:00
Avg Speed: 18.1
Avg HR: 129
Max HR: 168 (I really didn't give it 90% effort; recovery week)
Avg Cadence: 76 (I figured out why it is so low, I am not getting a good reading, it dropped to 40 knowing I was in the 90s)
Max Cadence: 98.4
I will head out for a 6 - 8 mile run tonight after class. It should be a shorter day than it was yesterday.
Happy Training Everyone!
Not much sleep last night for some reason. I was up almost every hour on the hour until about 2 a.m., alarm at 4:30 a.m.. I drug myself out of bed and had a quick breakfast and hydrated. About 45 minutes later I was setting up the computer to the TV, picked out a movie (Behind Enemy Lines, Columbia), and then picked out a short workout of 36 minutes with the main set being 15 x 30 seconds at about 80-90% effort. During the Warm-up I studied my notes from yesterday's classes. As much as I sweat I had to put them in document protectors to keep from destroying them.
Distance: 10.86
Time: 36:00
Avg Speed: 18.1
Avg HR: 129
Max HR: 168 (I really didn't give it 90% effort; recovery week)
Avg Cadence: 76 (I figured out why it is so low, I am not getting a good reading, it dropped to 40 knowing I was in the 90s)
Max Cadence: 98.4
I will head out for a 6 - 8 mile run tonight after class. It should be a shorter day than it was yesterday.
Happy Training Everyone!
Tuesday, February 7, 2012
Bike/Run Brick
Whatever you do, do well. - Ecclesiastes 9:10
I didn't write about i last night but I did get a 6.75 mile run after class.
I got on the trainer this monring riding 4 x 5 minute intervals in HRZ 2. I am not trying to kill myself this week. I just wanted to keep it easy but still trying to get at least an hour of training in everyday. I watch Ironman Kona 2011 up until the pros finished and then off the bike and out for a short run.
Bike Details:
Distance: 13.11
Time: 42:55
Avg Speed: 18.5
Avg HR: 149
Max HR: 164
Avg Cadence: 78.8 (Oops didn't know I was pedaling so slow)
Max Cadence: 97.7
Run Details:
Distance: 2.55
Time: 21:23
Avg Pace: 8:21
Avg HR: 143
Max HR: 157
Happy Training.
I didn't write about i last night but I did get a 6.75 mile run after class.
I got on the trainer this monring riding 4 x 5 minute intervals in HRZ 2. I am not trying to kill myself this week. I just wanted to keep it easy but still trying to get at least an hour of training in everyday. I watch Ironman Kona 2011 up until the pros finished and then off the bike and out for a short run.
Bike Details:
Distance: 13.11
Time: 42:55
Avg Speed: 18.5
Avg HR: 149
Max HR: 164
Avg Cadence: 78.8 (Oops didn't know I was pedaling so slow)
Max Cadence: 97.7
Run Details:
Distance: 2.55
Time: 21:23
Avg Pace: 8:21
Avg HR: 143
Max HR: 157
Happy Training.
Monday, February 6, 2012
Spinervals Lake Placid - Haselton Road
"I will guide you along the best pathway for your life. I will advise you and watch over you." - Psalms 32:8. I love this. God know what is best for you and if you listen to Him he will guide you along the best pathway. It may not be the pathway you wish to take!
I will not be living in a hotel for the next 5 weeks. I brought the bike and the first priority was to get it set up in the hotel room.
Up at 4:30 so I could get a short ride in before I head to school. I rode just the out and back section of the Ironman Lake Placid course. Since this is a recovery week, I am going to cut way back on both the duration and the intensity. Hopefully I will be able to bring that Training Load graph into the positive side. It shouldn't be too difficult. I plan on heading out for a run after class tonight so I can get a lay of the land before I head out for a run in the morning with no clue on where to run.
The details:
Distance: 13.00 Miles
Time: 0:42:00
Avg HR: 138 (56%)
Max HR: 161 (71%)
AVG Cadence: 91.4
Max Cadence: 120.4
Happy Training Everyone!
I will not be living in a hotel for the next 5 weeks. I brought the bike and the first priority was to get it set up in the hotel room.
Up at 4:30 so I could get a short ride in before I head to school. I rode just the out and back section of the Ironman Lake Placid course. Since this is a recovery week, I am going to cut way back on both the duration and the intensity. Hopefully I will be able to bring that Training Load graph into the positive side. It shouldn't be too difficult. I plan on heading out for a run after class tonight so I can get a lay of the land before I head out for a run in the morning with no clue on where to run.
The details:
Distance: 13.00 Miles
Time: 0:42:00
Avg HR: 138 (56%)
Max HR: 161 (71%)
AVG Cadence: 91.4
Max Cadence: 120.4
Happy Training Everyone!
Sunday, February 5, 2012
Recovery Day!
Commit your actions to the Lord, and your plans will succeed. - Proverbs 16:3
Day 36 of the Mile-A-Day Challenge. Two mile run this morning at a nice and easy pace.
I was up at 5:30 and checked my resting heart rate. Good news is that it is down 2 more beats than it was last week. I must be doing something right to keep the RHR going down each week. I am still about 6 beats away from my lowest RHR recorded of 48.
I use Sporttracks to keep track of my training and I just recently download the Training Load add on for it. I am going into a recovery week so we will see if I can get my Training Stress Balance into a positive number again. Here is a snap shot of the chart. It is very confusing to read and I have been trying to figure out all of the charts. I think I got it now. I will post another blog discussing the Training Load add on in the near future.
Happy Training Everyone!
Day 36 of the Mile-A-Day Challenge. Two mile run this morning at a nice and easy pace.
I was up at 5:30 and checked my resting heart rate. Good news is that it is down 2 more beats than it was last week. I must be doing something right to keep the RHR going down each week. I am still about 6 beats away from my lowest RHR recorded of 48.
I use Sporttracks to keep track of my training and I just recently download the Training Load add on for it. I am going into a recovery week so we will see if I can get my Training Stress Balance into a positive number again. Here is a snap shot of the chart. It is very confusing to read and I have been trying to figure out all of the charts. I think I got it now. I will post another blog discussing the Training Load add on in the near future.
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Training Load - February 2, 2012 |
Happy Training Everyone!
Saturday, February 4, 2012
Aerobase Builder - Flat Tire
The plan was to ride for about an hour this morning in an aerobic zone. I decided to ride the Spinervals Basebuilder 16.0 on my rollers. All started out well getting the heart rate up to about 10-20 below my lactate threshold. During the 5 minute intervals I wanted to ride in Aero positions which is not easy on rollers but I am getting much more better and comfortable at it. During the third 5 minute interval it seemed to get a bit harder and the heart rate was rising and I kept dropping gears trying to stay in my aerobic zone. By the end of the third interval I realized I was low in air in the front tire. About mid-way through the fourth interval it was really getting low and by the end of the interval I actually started to hit the rim. I decided to call it quits at just over 30 minutes of riding. I changed and then headed out for a short 2 mile run.
Bike Details:
Distance: 10.44 miles
Time: 32:01
Avg Speed: 19.6
Max Speed: 23.4
Avg HR: 118
Max HR: 166
Avg Cadence: 85
Run Details:
Distance: 2 miles
Time: 16:32
Avg Pace: 8:16
Avg HR: 139
Max HR: 163
Happy Training
Bike Details:
Distance: 10.44 miles
Time: 32:01
Avg Speed: 19.6
Max Speed: 23.4
Avg HR: 118
Max HR: 166
Avg Cadence: 85
Run Details:
Distance: 2 miles
Time: 16:32
Avg Pace: 8:16
Avg HR: 139
Max HR: 163
Happy Training
Friday, February 3, 2012
13.1 Mile Run
Whatever you do, do it enthusiastically, as something done for the Lord and not for men. - Colossians 3:23
I had an absolute blast running this morning. I haven't had so much fun running in a long time. I was so hyped up when I got done running. God has been such a blessing to me lately working out it is unreal. Any how we decided to run a different route than normal so we chose an out and back that I have never run and it is on a hill road so I didn't know what to expect for the run. Three of us started together and the good old Captain decided us old folks were running to slow so he took off out in front of us. He waited at the turnaround. We ran at a comfortable conversational pace of about 8:30. Tony attended a "Good Form Running" clinic last night so we talked about running form most of the way out. I was feeling pretty good so I told him once we made the turn I was going to pick up the pace on the way back.
Once we got to the turn I told Tony that I was going to pick up the pace and the good Captain heard me so he figured we would be my rabbit. After talking about running form for the first 6 miles, I was concentrating on my form. You know mid-foot strike, leaning forward, head up, chest back, cadence etc... I turned out a 7:19 for the first mile, mile 7 and like I said I was feeling pretty darn good. Mile 8 was even faster at a 7:09. You have to keep in mind that I was running on rolling hills and I felt as though everything was clicking this morning. I felt great running up the hills and held back slightly coming down as not to over stride. Mile 9 was a 6:57. Mile 10 was mostly down hill and I was just rolling on through clocking a 6:33. Mile 11 started with a pretty steep decline for about a 1/4 mile and the last 3/4 was a gradual uphill. I thought for sure I would begin to slow. I held strong through mile 11 with a 6:30 mile. I normally end with a mile cool down so I decided to turn around and go pick up Tony. Once I met up with him we finished the run off running at a 7:54 and 7:57 pace.
Again I am just awestruck at how great I felt this morning running. Thank you Jesus.
The Details:
Distance: 13.1
Time: 1:41:35
Avg Pace: 7:47
Elevation Gain: 769 feet
Avg HR: 153 (65%)
Max HR: 186 (87%)
Avg Cadence: 90.4 (right where I need to be)
Max Cadence: 99.8
Shoes: Brooks Defyance 4
Happy Training!
I had an absolute blast running this morning. I haven't had so much fun running in a long time. I was so hyped up when I got done running. God has been such a blessing to me lately working out it is unreal. Any how we decided to run a different route than normal so we chose an out and back that I have never run and it is on a hill road so I didn't know what to expect for the run. Three of us started together and the good old Captain decided us old folks were running to slow so he took off out in front of us. He waited at the turnaround. We ran at a comfortable conversational pace of about 8:30. Tony attended a "Good Form Running" clinic last night so we talked about running form most of the way out. I was feeling pretty good so I told him once we made the turn I was going to pick up the pace on the way back.
Once we got to the turn I told Tony that I was going to pick up the pace and the good Captain heard me so he figured we would be my rabbit. After talking about running form for the first 6 miles, I was concentrating on my form. You know mid-foot strike, leaning forward, head up, chest back, cadence etc... I turned out a 7:19 for the first mile, mile 7 and like I said I was feeling pretty darn good. Mile 8 was even faster at a 7:09. You have to keep in mind that I was running on rolling hills and I felt as though everything was clicking this morning. I felt great running up the hills and held back slightly coming down as not to over stride. Mile 9 was a 6:57. Mile 10 was mostly down hill and I was just rolling on through clocking a 6:33. Mile 11 started with a pretty steep decline for about a 1/4 mile and the last 3/4 was a gradual uphill. I thought for sure I would begin to slow. I held strong through mile 11 with a 6:30 mile. I normally end with a mile cool down so I decided to turn around and go pick up Tony. Once I met up with him we finished the run off running at a 7:54 and 7:57 pace.
Again I am just awestruck at how great I felt this morning running. Thank you Jesus.
The Details:
Distance: 13.1
Time: 1:41:35
Avg Pace: 7:47
Elevation Gain: 769 feet
Avg HR: 153 (65%)
Max HR: 186 (87%)
Avg Cadence: 90.4 (right where I need to be)
Max Cadence: 99.8
Shoes: Brooks Defyance 4
Happy Training!
Thursday, February 2, 2012
Spinervals On The Road Lake Placid 2.0 - Brick Workout
I am going to use this verse for my prayer at the beginning of my Run Leg my triathlons. Psalm 119:105 – “Your word is a lamp for my feet and a light on my path.” So God can guide me on my run leg but keep me focus on His word. It will be a reminder that while I am out on the course to share His word at every opportunity. I may even write the verse on my shoes.
Brick workout scheduled today. For the bike leg I did Spinervals, Lake Placid 2.0 on the rollers this morning. I rode from Lake Placid to Keene, Keene to Jay, Jay to Wilmington Outbound only! My goal was to ride for 1:40 minutes and then head out for a 2.5 run. I had an absolute blast riding this morning sweating up a storm. I kept the HR somewhat low with little resistance on the rollers. I ran at about 85% for the first 2 miles and then cool down for the last 1/2 mile.
Bike Details:
Distance: 35.00 miles
Time: 1:42:19
Avg Speed: 20.5 mph
Avg HR: 134 (53%)
Max HR: 150 (70%)
Avg Cadence: 94.9
Max Cadence: 116.7 (I can’t get it much higher without bouncing on the saddle, especially on rollers)
Run Details:
Distance: 2.5 miles
Time: 18:00
Avg Pace: 7:12
Pace per mile: 7:02, 6:45
Avg HR: 169 (76%)
Max HR: 187 (88%)
Happy Training!
Brick workout scheduled today. For the bike leg I did Spinervals, Lake Placid 2.0 on the rollers this morning. I rode from Lake Placid to Keene, Keene to Jay, Jay to Wilmington Outbound only! My goal was to ride for 1:40 minutes and then head out for a 2.5 run. I had an absolute blast riding this morning sweating up a storm. I kept the HR somewhat low with little resistance on the rollers. I ran at about 85% for the first 2 miles and then cool down for the last 1/2 mile.
Bike Details:
Distance: 35.00 miles
Time: 1:42:19
Avg Speed: 20.5 mph
Avg HR: 134 (53%)
Max HR: 150 (70%)
Avg Cadence: 94.9
Max Cadence: 116.7 (I can’t get it much higher without bouncing on the saddle, especially on rollers)
Run Details:
Distance: 2.5 miles
Time: 18:00
Avg Pace: 7:12
Pace per mile: 7:02, 6:45
Avg HR: 169 (76%)
Max HR: 187 (88%)
Happy Training!
Wednesday, February 1, 2012
One Mile Intervals
We have different gifts, according to the grace given to each of us. If your gift is prophesying, then prophesy in accordance with your faith; if it is serving, then serve; if it is teaching, then teach; if it is to encourage, then give encouragement; if it is giving, then give generously; if it is to lead, do it diligently; if it is to show mercy, do it cheerfully. (NIV) – Romans 12:6-8
To those who use well what they are given, even more will be given, and they will have an abundance. (NLT) – Matthew 25:29
Whatever gifts God has given you, use them to glorify His name!
5 x 1 mile repeats this morning with a 1 minute rest between sets. I set some parameters in my watch to ensure I didn’t run too fast or too slow. I set the watch to beep when running outside of a 6:35 – 7:00 minute pace. My goal this week was to keep it much more consistent than last week’s repeats. I succeeded keep all the repeats pretty consistent, but went all out for the last one which told me that the 6:35 was too slow for me. The next interval workout I will adjust and try and keep them around 6:20 – 6:45. My goal by end of July is 10 x 1 mile at a 6:20-6:30 pace. This should ensure that I can run a sub-1:30 half marathon.
Run Details:
Distance: 6.50 miles
Time: 49:03
Avg Pace: 7:33
Interval times: 6:38.3, 6:36.6, 6:35.7, 6:35.2, 6:06.6
Avg HR: 160
Max HR: 190
My pool workout today I did an endurance swim of 1600 meters. I tried to start slow and gradually get faster. I took a split at 800 meters to compare my times. My second 800 was 17 seconds faster than the first 800. Overall a great workout!
Swim Details:
Distance: 1600 meters
Time: 29:17
Avg Pace 50m: 54.9 seconds
Happy Training Everyone!
To those who use well what they are given, even more will be given, and they will have an abundance. (NLT) – Matthew 25:29
Whatever gifts God has given you, use them to glorify His name!
5 x 1 mile repeats this morning with a 1 minute rest between sets. I set some parameters in my watch to ensure I didn’t run too fast or too slow. I set the watch to beep when running outside of a 6:35 – 7:00 minute pace. My goal this week was to keep it much more consistent than last week’s repeats. I succeeded keep all the repeats pretty consistent, but went all out for the last one which told me that the 6:35 was too slow for me. The next interval workout I will adjust and try and keep them around 6:20 – 6:45. My goal by end of July is 10 x 1 mile at a 6:20-6:30 pace. This should ensure that I can run a sub-1:30 half marathon.
Run Details:
Distance: 6.50 miles
Time: 49:03
Avg Pace: 7:33
Interval times: 6:38.3, 6:36.6, 6:35.7, 6:35.2, 6:06.6
Avg HR: 160
Max HR: 190
My pool workout today I did an endurance swim of 1600 meters. I tried to start slow and gradually get faster. I took a split at 800 meters to compare my times. My second 800 was 17 seconds faster than the first 800. Overall a great workout!
Swim Details:
Distance: 1600 meters
Time: 29:17
Avg Pace 50m: 54.9 seconds
Happy Training Everyone!
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