Today’s workout was dedicated in honor of Anne Gorsky Cromer, breast cancer.
I headed out this morning for an easy group ride. We rode out to the DZ and back for a total of 24 miles at a leisurely pace.
Happy Training Everyone!
Friday August 5, 2011
Today’s workout was dedicated in honor of Patsy Sanders.
Long run day. I headed out to run 3 x 7 mile loops for a 21 mile run. I started running at 5:30 and maintain an 8:33 pace through the first loop. At the start of the 2nd loop I picked up 3 other people to run with me and I managed to pull off another 8:33 pace. The 3rd loop it was just two of us and I decided to take a different route which was a tougher route. I stopped to refill my water bottle and kept the watch running; which equated to an almost 10 minute mile. The 3rd loop was a little slower and I finished the run with an 8:39 mile pace. All in all it was a great run.
Weather Report: Min./Max.: 75.4 °F/78.8 °F; Humidity: 86.5%; Dew point: 72.2 °F; Wind Speed: 2.3 mph
Happy Training Everyone!
Saturday, August 6, 2011
Today’s Run was dedicated in honor of Susan Alexander.
Long bike ride. Last century ride before Ironman Louisville. I decided to try and take in more fluid on today ride to help prevent me from hitting the “wall” so the goal today was to take in 16 oz of fluid every 10 miles. I started downtown and rode to my office where I had a cooler waiting on me with cycling bottles. From there I did 4 x 20 miles out and back grabbing fresh water bottles each time. It was amazing how fast all the ice would melt in this heat; especially on the last 2 laps. My goal was to try and stay at my goal speed of 6 hour bike for the Ironman which equates to about 18.7 mph. I finished the ride with a total of 102.2 miles and averaged 18.7. I took splits every 10 miles with 17.5, 18.9, 19.5, 18.7, 19.8, 19.1, 19.9, 18.8, 17.5 and 18.2. When I finished the heat index was 100.
Weather Report: Min./Max.: 76.3 °F/92.7 °F; Humidity: 80.3%; Dew point: 75.0 °F; Wind Speed: 1.5 mph
Happy training everyone!
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