Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Tuesday and Wednesday Workouts

Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Today’s workout was dedicated in honor of Ruth Smith, currently battling lymphoma cancer.

I had a great brick workout this morning.  I did the bike portion of the workout with a group which made for a much faster ride than I really wanted but I had a blast.  We averaged 20mph outbound and moved a bit faster coming back averaging 21+ and averaged 20.9 for a 28 mile ride.  I did do a few sprints and took the lead for most of the ride back keeping the speed up.  I didn’t let the guys rest much.

Once I was back to the office a 30 second transition and out for my run.  I wanted to keep it at an easy pace and ended up running 2.5 miles at an 8 minute mile.

All in all it was a great workout.

Weather Report:  Min./Max.: 74.9 °F/78.5 °F; Humidity: 96.9%; Dew point: 75.4 °F; Wind Speed: 0.1 mph

Happy Training Everyone!

Wednesday August 3, 2011

Today’s run workout was dedicated in honor of R.B. Smith, currently battling colon cancer and swim workout was dedicated in honor of Barbara Strickland, breast cancer.

I headed out for an easy 7 mile run at a conversational pace.  It was good to be able to run with a partner and be able to talk the entire run.  It kept the pace a bit slower.

At lunch I headed out for a 2000 meter swim.  I did 4 x 500 meters; 500 freestyle with pull buoy; 500 kick with training fins; 500 freestyle with training fins; 500 freestyle.  I am feeling much better about doing this 2.4 mile swim in a few weeks.

Run Weather Report:  Min./Max.: 75.3 °F/77.1 °F; Humidity: 95.3%; Dew point: 74.9 °F; Wind Speed: 0.4 mph

Happy Training Everyone!

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